Workforce Velocity Delivers Analytics Through:
Capacity previews, projections and actuals analysis.
Your own measurements and Key Position Indicators (KPI's) to see if you are hitting your goals.
Drill Down to see cause and effect and what if analysis.
Applied Lean Six Sigma DMIAC tools.
Your own personal reports or canned labor & performance reports.
To understand how to improve your labor performance and meet your labor objectives, you need to use accurate information. Put your data to work in one system to ensure your data is accurate and then allow workflows to provide information right into scheduling.
Using the principals of Lean Six Sigma, Workforce Velocity can help you identify inefficient and unproductive schedules so you can identify peak times and schedule the right amount of people at the right time. Monitor and adjust the outcome and cost across departments and locations with live data reporting.
Decrease your labor cost and transition your company to lean principals backed by current data with Workforce Velocity.